Windows Media Player 参考手册

Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player 存在多个不同的版本。

在此,我们提供了不同版本的 class ID,以及参数列表。

为什么 class ID 会改变?

Windows Media Player 7 及更高版本的 class ID 是:clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6.

因特网上的许多地方把 class ID 声明为:clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95. 此 class ID 是一个老的版本,但是依然可以工作,这是因为其向后兼容性。但是如果您使用了老的 class ID,就无法使用增加到组件中的新特性了。

Windows Media Player 10

clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6 (与 WMP7 相同)

Windows Media Player 9

clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6 (与 WMP7 相同)

Windows Media Player 7


Windows Media Player 6.4


参数 默认值 描述
AudioStream true  
AutoSize true  
AutoStart true Sets if the player should start automatically
AnimationAtStart true Sets if an animation should show while the file loads
AllowScan true  
AllowChangeDisplaySize true  
AutoRewind false  
Balance false  
BufferingTime 5  
ClickToPlay true Sets if the player should start when the user clicks in the play area
CursorType false  
CurrentPosition true  
CurrentMarker false  
DisplayBackColor false  
DisplayForeColor 16777215  
DisplayMode false  
DisplaySize false  
Enabled true  
EnableContextMenu true  
EnablePositionControls true  
EnableFullScreenControls false  
EnableTracker true  
Filename URL The URL of the file to play
InvokeURLs true  
Language true  
Mute false  
PlayCount 1  
PreviewMode false  
Rate 1  
SelectionStart true  
SelectionEnd true  
SendOpenStateChangeEvents true  
SendWarningEvents true  
SendErrorEvents true  
SendKeyboardEvents false  
SendMouseClickEvents false  
SendMouseMoveEvents false  
SendPlayStateChangeEvents true  
ShowCaptioning false  
ShowControls true Sets if the player controls should show
ShowAudioControls true Sets if the audio controls should show
ShowDisplay false Sets if the display should show
ShowGotoBar false Sets if the GotoBar should show
ShowPositionControls true  
ShowStatusBar false  
ShowTracker true  
TransparantAtStart false  
VideoBorderWidth false  
VideoBorderColor false  
VideoBorder3D false  
Volume -200  
WindowlessVideo false  

Windows Media Player 6 (更老的版本)


参数 默认值 描述
Appearance false  
AutoStart false  
AllowChangeDisplayMode true  
AllowHideDisplay false  
AllowHideControls true  
AutoRewind true  
Balance false  
CurrentPosition false  
DisplayBackColor false  
DisplayForeColor 16777215  
DisplayMode false  
Enabled true  
EnableContextMenu true  
EnablePositionControls true  
EnableSelectionControls false  
EnableTracker true  
FullScreenMode false  
MovieWindowSize false  
PlayCount 1  
Rate 1  
SelectionStart true  
SelectionEnd true  
ShowControls true  
ShowDisplay true  
ShowPositionControls false  
ShowTracker true  
Volume -200  